Revealing Alkimii's Latest Features 🌟 - February Edition

Febuary 2024

New Mobile App Interface

Annoucements (22)

Our new mobile user interface was launched in 2024!

The features include:
- Improved Navigation: Redesigned homepage and favourites section for easy access to essential functions.
- Enhanced Functionality: Optimised features, including Shift Notes, Checklists, and Leave Requests Approvals.
- User-Friendly Design: A fresh and modern interface for improved usability and satisfaction.

See mobile spotlight here.

Alkimii Property Launch

Annoucements (23)We have also launched a new product: Alkimii Property, a comprehensive addition to our platform aimed at enhancing compliance, reducing risk, and optimising overall operational excellence. With a focus on simplicity, our new product empowers your team to get things right with Checklists, proactively manage maintenance tasks, ensure compliance, and foster efficient communication. Alkimii Property features three key categories:

- Compliance, ensuring peace of mind with real-time dashboards for incident reporting and NFC checklists;

- Maintenance, streamlining oversight and resolution with proactive checklists;

- Communication, serving as the nerve centre for cohesive teamwork through Shift Notes and Email Digests. 

To discover more about Alkimii Property, download our brochure or book a demo with our growth team! 

Advanced News

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Our advanced news platform has exciting features created to enhance your overall experience.

Now you can:

  • Seamlessly schedule, filter, and tag news articles on the web.
  • Tailor your news views by filtering them based on tags or author preferences.
  • Ensure an optimal viewing experience across mobile platforms with a responsive design.
  • View images and videos easily with dynamic carousels and a richer content experience.
  • Automatically shorten URLs to ensure that your news messages are rich in content and burdened with lengthy URLS.

Read more about this feature


Chat Archiving

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You can now archive your chats!

With this new functionality, managing your conversations becomes even more convenient. Whether you want to tidy up your chat list or keep track of essential discussions, archiving provides a streamlined solution. Simply click to archive and declutter your chat space effortlessly. We're committed to continuously improving your interaction with our system, and this update is a direct result of your feedback. Here is how to do it for Desktop (Web Chat Archiving) and Mobile (Mobile Chat Archiving).


New Leave Calendar

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Seamlessly integrating the holiday calendar with the regular calendar, it also introduces extra functionality with leave requests. With our new Leave Calendar, you can effortlessly track who's on holiday, absent for shifts, or enjoying days off.

Enjoy the convenience of comprehensive summaries and efficient filtering. The best part? You can now approve leave requests directly from the Leave Calendar, offering a more simplified and user-friendly approach to managing your team's time off. Dive into the new Leave Calendar today.

Check out the New Leave Calendar and learn more at The Alkimii Leave Calendar


Enhanced Leave Request Approval

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Our Leave Request Approval feature got even better. Now featuring enhanced filtering options, you can effortlessly sort and manage leave requests with precision. Experience heightened convenience as you quickly identify colleagues on annual leave within the same department, simplifying your team's planning and conflict-checking processes.

What's more? We've also prioritised an intuitive design and added leave request approvals to mobile, ensuring a better experience in managing leave requests.

To learn how to use this feature here.


Update to Chat Mentions on the Web 

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New game-changing feature for our chat platform - better chat notifications! Whenever you are mentioned in a conversation, you receive a notification. Now, clicking that notification brings you directly to the message in which you were mentioned. This feature makes it easier than ever to stay engaged in the conversation, understand the context and respond directly to your team. Your conversations just got more dynamic and streamlined, thanks to your feedback. This feature is available only on the web, coming soon to mobile.


Property Maintenance Update

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We've given both our mobile app and web experience a significant facelift for an enhanced user journey.

Here's what's new:

  • Improved Maintenance Tasks: Our interface has undergone a thorough upgrade, making it quicker and easier to add maintenance tasks. With a streamlined process as you can now upload and annotate multiple images in the blink of an eye. We've reduced the number of clicks, ensuring tasks can be created more efficiently than ever.
  • Enhanced Proactive Maintenance: Our Proactive Maintenance feature has received a makeover, boasting a better look and feel. Enjoy improved filtering options and bid farewell to the duplication of maintenance tasks, creating a more seamless and organised maintenance experience.

If you haven't explored our Maintenance module yet, why not book a demo with us on Alkimii Property?

🛠️💡 Book a Demo on Alkimii Property.

For existing Property users, delve into our Knowledge Base articles to ensure you're making the most of these exciting updates!

📚 Explore Knowledge Base Articles: