Staff Profile: Profile Card & Summary 

Overview at a Glance: Understanding the Summary and Profile Card Features in Staff Profiles


The Summary provides key details and interactive widgets to give a clear overview of each team member. 

  • On the left you have the key details about the team member, including their job title and department. Beneath this you can view their length of service, their trained areas (badges), flagged medical information, promotions and emergency contact information. 
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  • Beneath this you will see a breakdown of upcoming information such as shifts, leave and moments like birthdays or work anniversaries. 
  • To the right you have the summary widgets. These include the Bradford Score, Clock Score, Lateness Score, Absense Amounts, News and Polls Engagements. 
  • If you would like more information on any of the widgets, hover over the top right corner of the widget and select 3 vertical dots for more information. 

Check out our knowledge base article for more information 

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Profile Card

The Profile Card offers a quick snapshot of critical data and quick actions. 

  • In the top right corner of the profile card, you have 3 vertical dots. This dropdown menu will display a range of quick actions you can choose from. These options may differ depending on your access level in Alkimii.
  • You can quickly jump between profiles using the dropdown menu beside the team members name. 
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  • Beneath the team members name, you will be able to see their contract type and any badges that they are trained in, holiday balances, age, job title and department. Followed by their cumpulsory documents progress. This information will be linked to your own sites compliance KPI score. 



Chat with the user 

  • Select "Chat with X" to open a chat bubble with this team member. This is a quick and easy way to get confirmation or follow up with a user on information relating to their profile in Alkimii. 


Export Data 

You have the option to export the profile data into a "Zip" folder. This will include a range of csv files relating to this user. 

  • Select "Export Data" from the quick actions in the profile card and click the button to export. 
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Add a Note 

  • If you select "Add a Note", the pop up will prompt you to select a note type from the dropdown menu of options. 
  • You can add tags, add more information into the body of the note and upload any relevant attachments. 


Reassign Supervision 

  • This option is only available for users assigned as "Reports To" contacts.
  • When selecting "Reassign Supervision", a pop-up will appear prompting you to choose team members from the dropdown list for reassignment.
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Remove Access

If you need to remove a team members access for any reason, this can be done via the profile card. 

  • You will have to confirm that you are happy to proceed with hiding this profile to enable the change. 
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Hide Profile 

This feature is access level dependent and may not be available to you. 

  • You will have to confirm that you are happy to proceed with hiding this profile to enable the change. 
  • This will now hide the profile from anyone who does not have the access level to view hidden profiles. The profile will not appear in the staff list or the HR Queue when searched. 


Deactivate / Activate 

  • If you choose to deactviate the user, you will have to confirm you are happy to proceed with the deactivation. 
  • Simiarly if you activate the user you will also have to confirm you are to proceed with this action. 
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Restart a Leaver  

  • You will need to confirm you are happy to restart a leaver profile on a new contract. This will generate a new profile for this user with all the previous information. 
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  • Once restarted the employee will have "No Access" , to enable this click on the 3 vertical dots and click "Allow Access" 
  • You will have to confirm you are happy for this user to access Alkimii within their previous "role" access. 
  • The information on the profile summary will update the "Leaver Information" to show "This user was restarted".
  • If you wish to view the leavered profile, click the vertical dots on the profile card and select "All Contracts".
  • This will provide a list of contract history for this employee. Click on the eye icon under the actions column to view the previous profile. 

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  • Once the employee is restarted you can update their personal or employment details such as their Job Title; Department; Pay Rate; Contract Type and Contact Details

After restarting an employee, their biometric badge for clocking in and out will need to be refreshed by the Alkimii Team.  You can contact us by email or by phone at +353-1-531-1177 to do this. 

Reinviting the Employee to the App 

  • You should then go to MyAlkimii Invitations and invite the employee to Alkimii again

Unsure how to invite to MyAlkimii?  Check out our Article on Inviting Employees to the MyAlkimii App

Sending the Contract 

  • After the employee has been restarted and you have invited them to Alkimii, you can send the employee a new contract via HR Automation. 

Unsure how to send a Pack to an employee in HR Automation? Check out our article How to send a Pack to an employee in HR Automation?