Adjustments within Today's Roster

Empower Your Daily Operations by Effectively Monitoring and Adjusting Employee Attendance Against Rostered Hours

In the dynamic realm of workforce management, maintaining accurate and timely employee attendance records is crucial for payroll precision. Alkimii's Today's Roster screen emerges as a pivotal tool, facilitating the seamless monitoring and adjustment of clock-in and out times against rostered hours. This article serves as your comprehensive guide to harnessing the full potential of this feature, empowering you to ensure precision in daily operations.

As a crucial note for Heads of Department and Senior Management, dedicating just three minutes in the morning and evening to review and adjust the Today's Roster screen proves invaluable. This routine check allows for real-time corrections, ensuring accuracy for payroll processing. Moreover, department heads are encouraged to sign off on the previous day's records once content with the hours, contributing to an efficient and error-free payroll process.

  • Navigate to "Today's Roster" using the mega menu 
  • Your default view is the current day. Use the day picker to select the day you wish to review. If this day is in previous weeks, use the calendar function to select the week. 

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  • Now select the department using the department selector at the bottom of your screen. 
  • Here you will see a full breakdown of all shifts rostered for the day. The rostered hours will appear within the bubble across from the employee's name. 
  • The clock in and out times will be displayed on the top of the bubble. 

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  • Colours represent different scenarios that you may need to review or action.
    • Green - completed shift in line with scheduled start time. If an employee works past the rostered finish time, this can be adjusted if you wish to pay the employee for the additional hours. Otherwise, no further action is needed. 
    • Blue - Ongoing shift, clock-in has been registered but clock-out has yet to be done. 
    • Grey - No clock-in has been registered. This can be due to various reasons, such as an employee forgetting to clock in or out; absenteeism or the employee was no longer needed for that shift. This will need to be taken care of in order to sign off your day. 
    • Red - Employee has underworked their rostered hours. If an employee clocks in late they will only be paid from their clocked-in time until the end of their rostered hours (for example if rostered for a 10am-6pm shift but the employee clocked in at 10:45pm, they would only be paid out for 10:45am-6pm regardless of whether they worked past the roster end time)

A Red Shift DOES NOT need to be made green, they are a great way to track late starts and early finishes and ensure accuracy in payroll. 

There are several ways you can adjust the Today's Roster information if you do need to edit the clock times or rostered hours for any reason. 

1) Adjust Rostered Hours 

To adjust the rostered hours, simply click on the bubble and toggle left or right until you reach the desired time. Keep an eye on the start and end times to ensure they reflect the correct information. 

Alternatively, you can click on the bubble and manually enter the correct times in the start and end time fields. 

2) Extending Rostered Hours

To extend out the rostered hours, hoover over the end of the bubble until you see an arrow and drag the arrow to the right or left to extend out the shift times. 

Alternatively, again, you can click on the bubble and manually enter the correct times in the start and end time fields. 

3) Edit Clock

If you need to manually enter clock in or out times, for an employee. This can be done by selecting "edit clock" under the employee's name. Uncheck "Disable" and manually add the clock-out time as you see fit. 

We normally advise that you do not adjust clock in and out times regularly as this can affect your payroll accuracy and reporting. 

4) Changing Shift Type 

If you need to record the reason why an employee was absent for their shift, it is possible to change the shift "Type" to reflect this information. Simply click on the shift bubble, and under "Type" choose the most appropriate option. We always advise using the "Notes" feild to provide any further details of the absense for future reference. However, be aware that this will be visible to anyone who has access to this department in the todays rosters screen. 

Please be advised that any notes added within the following shift types will also appear on the mobile roster view

  • Normal
  • Vacation
  • Training
  • Bank Holiday 
  • Statutory Training 
  • Departmental Training