Efficient Collaboration, Seamless Interaction – Unlock the Full Potential of Work-Integrated Chat on Your Mobile Device
In the ever-evolving landscape of professional communication, the integration of mobile chat applications has become a cornerstone for efficient collaboration within the workplace. Imagine a platform that combines the convenience of popular messaging apps with the security and productivity features required for a professional setting. In this guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of navigating the chat features of Alkimiis mobile app, empowering you to streamline communication, enhance collaboration, and ultimately transform your mobile device into a centralized hub for work-related interactions. Whether you're new to the app or seeking to maximize its capabilities, this article is your roadmap to unlocking the full potential of professional messaging on the go.
Explore our Quick Links!
- When you log onto the app it will default to your home page. Here you will the site you are currently in, a list of your favourite tools and your most recent notifications.
Your favourite tools will be based on your Alkimii access level and may differ depending on your permissions. To find out more about favourite, click here!
- Along the bottom, you will have a navigation bar where you can access your home page, chat, newsfeed, my schedule (leave requests & roster) and the more option.
Read Receipts
- When you open a message, the sender will receive a read receipt confirmation in the form of two ticks. This indicates that you have opened and viewed the message. If you prefer not to send a read receipt, you may choose not to open the message
Read receipts are always sent for group chats, this cannot be disabled.
Message Forwarding
- To forward a message from one chat to another chat, press and hold the message you wish to forward.
- Depending on your device either an icon or drop down menu will appear with the option to forward your message. Select the user or group chat you wish to send this message to and click "Forward".
Android | iOS |
- Once sent, the message in the new chat will show "forwarded" at the top of the text.
Voice Notes
- You can use the text box to type out your message or use the mic icon to send a voice note to the chat. All messages will be time-stamped with the date displayed when the first message of that date is sent.
- If you wish to send a voice note, click on the mic and record your audio. If you need to cancel the recording for any reason, simply swipe the blue mic bubble left.
- Before sending the audio, you will be asked to confirm you wish to send the audio message. Click "Send Audio" to confirm. Otherwise, you can select cancel.
Kindly note that audio messages exceeding 4 minutes in duration will not be accepted due to their extended length
Copy, Edit or Delete Messages
If you need to copy, edit or delete messages, simply press and hold down on your message.
- If you or another user does delete a message, this message will appear in the chat for reference.
Adding Attachments
Direct Replies
It's easier than ever to keep track of different threads and conversations within a larger chat with direct message replies.
Reactions (Emojis)
- If you would like to react to a message, you can use an emoji. Simply press and hold the message you would like to react to, and 6 emoji reactions will appear. Select the one you wish to use.
- This emoji reaction will appear under the message once selected
- To change the emoji, press and hold down the message again and choose accordingly.
- Within a group chat, you can view the number and type of reactions to the message
Are you having trouble with your App? Try the below troubleshooting
✔️ Update your phone software in your settings
✔️ Update your app in the Apple App Store
TOP TIP: Set your apps to Auto Update!
✔️ Make sure your Camera and Gallery permissions are turned on to ‘Always Allow’ or ‘While using App’
✔️ Make sure your notifications are turned on in your phone settings.
✔️ Go to the notifications section of the profile in your MyAlkimii App and turn on the notifications.