How to Duplicate an Event?

Save Time and Simplify Event Management with Duplication

In the realm of event management, the ability to duplicate an event is akin to having a secret shortcut that can significantly simplify your workload. With the Alkimiis Event Building Page, this has been made easy, enabling you to save time and effort while ensuring your events are consistent and well-organized. 

Duplicating an Event

You will need to be within the Event Building page in order to duplicate the Event. You can access this by clicking on the existing event in the calendar or availability calendar

For more information on creating an event in Alkimii, click here

  • You will see the area named "Duplicates" 
  • To duplicate the event, click "Add" in the left corner of the box 

  • You will be prompted to select all dates you wish to duplicate this event on 

  • Each date will appear in blue once it has been selected 

  • To proceed, click the "Next" button in the bottom right 

Locations and Room Hire Charges may differ across the different days so here you can choose the information you wish to duplicate.

  • You will start on the first date you are duplicating, this date will flag in blue

To amend the Locations for the Duplicated Day

  • Click on the Location

  • You will be able to amend any fields in white, grey fields cannot be amended
  • To save your changes, click the "Update" button 

  • The updated locations will appear under the locations and room hire charges 

Amending Room Hire Charges

  • You cannot edit the Room Hire Charges but you can decide if they apply to the event by ticking or unticking the checkbox

Once you have amended all the information you want to duplicate, you can click the 'Duplicate' button. 

  • You will need to complete this process for each day you have chosen on the calendar to duplicate. 

After completing any amendments for each day and clicking 'Duplicate', the system will duplicate for this date and you will be unable to return to the previous day. 

  • Once you have completed the Duplicates for the event, the below summary of Duplicated Events will appear. 

Where you will be able to see the Duplicate Events

The Duplicated Events will appear on the original event page. 

Once you have Duplicated an Event, you can apply any Packages, Additional Room Hire Charges, Detail Charges, Deposits, Tasks, Notes or File Repositories. 

You can find a helpful Alkimii Article on how to complete this Here.