Filter Options in the Roster (v2)

Using Filters in the Roster View for Tailored Scheduling

The Roster includes powerful filter options to help you customise and streamline your scheduling process. With filters for department, team member, shift types, shift roles, additional rates, and shift start/end times, you can quickly focus on the details that matter most. Whether you're managing a large team or looking for specific scheduling patterns, these tools allow you to view and adjust rosters with precision and ease. 


  • Navigate to the Roster using the menu in the top left of Alkimii. 
  • Within the view, along the top you will see the full list of filter options available to you. 
  • There is a free text search bar in the top left for quick navigation. 

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Filtering by Department 

Please be advised that you will only be able to filter by departments that you have access to within Alkimii . 

  • Your default department view within the roster will be in alphabetical order. You can reorder this default to customise your roster, see our help article for more detail.
  • Use the dropdown menu to select the department/s you wish to view on the roster. 
  • You can select multiple departments to view at one time. The department selected first will display in the filter box, followed by the number of additional departments selected. 
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  • The department name will appear on the left above the employee names. It is possible to collapse this list of employees to quickly view the other departments listed below using the "-" icon to the left of the department title. 

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Filtering by Team member 

Please be advised that you will only be able to filter by employees within departments that you have access to within Alkimii . 

  • Your default department view within the employees will be in either in alphabetical order or listed per the default tier level set within the staff profiles. You can reorder this default to customise your roster, see our help article for more detail.
  • Use the dropdown menu to select the employee/s you wish to view on the roster. 
  • You can select multiple employees to view at one time. The employee selected first will display in the filter box, followed by the number of additional employees selected. 
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Filtering by Shift type 

  • Use the dropdown menu to select the shift types you wish to view. 
  • You can select multiple shift types to view at one time. The type selected first will display in the filter box, followed by the number of additional shift types selected. 
  • If no shifts have been created using this shift type, the roster will appear blank. 
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Filtering by Shift role 

The shift role will only be applicable to those who have the qualification enabled on their staff profile and the shift role applied in the roster. For example, Fire Wardens or First Aiders. 

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  • Duty Manager 
  • Fire Warden 
  • First Aid
  • Lifeguard 
  • HOD 
  • Executive manager 
  • Trainee 
  • Use the dropdown menu to select the shift roles you wish to view. 
  • You can select multiple shift roles to view at one time. The role selected first will display in the filter box, followed by the number of additional shift roles selected. 
  • If no shifts have been created using this shift role, the roster will appear blank. 

For help creating a shift with a role applied, click here! These options can also be configured in a preset for quicker rostering. 



Filtering by Additional rate 

The additional rate refers to any shifts were a different amount will be paid to the employee if applied. This is most commonly used for employees who cover supervisor shifts or for those who perform self checks. 

The supervisor rate can also be useful to cover instances were shifts are paid different amounts depending on the hours, for example Night Porters who work from 8pm to 8am might be paid their basic rate from 8pm-11:59pm and additional rate of 2€ from 12am-8am. 

For help creating a shift with an additional rate applied, click here! These options can also be configured in a preset for quicker rostering. 

  • Use the dropdown menu to select the additional rate you wish to view. 
  • You can select multiple filters to view at one time. The filter selected first will display in the filter box, followed by the number of additional filters selected. 
  • If no shifts have been created using an additonal rate, the roster will appear blank. 
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Filtering by On Duty

  • Use the dropdown menu to select the On Duty times to review all shifts during this period and click "Apply" 
  • You can also use the quick filters to see who has been roster for morning, afternoon, evenings or nights. 
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  • This is a great tool for ensuring you have enough staff rostered to cover your business needs .