How to configure shift presets in the Roster? (V2)

Save Time by Configuring Shift Presets for Your Roster

Configuring departmental shift presets in the roster is a powerful way to save time and simplify scheduling. With three flexible options available, you can create and manage presets directly within the roster view to suit your needs. Whether you’re setting up standard shifts, adapting to recurring patterns, or tailoring shifts for specific requirements, these methods ensure you can efficiently organise your roster while minimising repetitive tasks. This guide will walk you through each option, helping you streamline your scheduling process with ease.

For help creating shifts using presets in the roster, click here! 



Create a preset in the "Preset" tab

  • Within the roster, use the department filter along the top to select the department you wish to create presets for.  
  • Navigate to the top right of the roster view, and select "Presets" 
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  • If this is your first time creating presets for a department, this view will be blank. 
  • In the bottom corner of the preset tab, click " + create preset" to begin the adding your most common shift times. 
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  • Using the creation window custom your shift preset accordingly. 
  • Add a title, we advise using the shift start and end times for easy visualisation on the roster view. 
  • Select a colour codet to create the preset label. This colour will appear on the roster view on the Alkimii mobile app. This is a mandatory field. 
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  • Set the start and end time. If this shift will cross over into the following day (like night shifts), you can click the "Next day" checkbox. 

  • Choose a department from the dropdown menu. You can apply this preset across multiple departments if it as commonly used shift. 
  • Select the shift type from the dropdown menu, however, this will default to "Normal"
  • You can apply additional rate options within the preset, if applicable for supervisors, night porters or accomodation teams who operate self checks. 
  • If the shift has a role or purpose you can also select the applicable qualififcation from the options.You will only be able to roster this shift against employees who have this qualification enabled. 
  • For example, if fire warden as been ticked on, only employees who have the first aid option enabled in their staff profile will be able to be rostered with this preset.
  • Any shift with a role applied will display an icon beside it for quick reference. 
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  • You can add notes for the shift, this can provide context to the shift or checks they may need to be completed during this shift. 
  • This note may be visible to the employees depending on your configuration with Alkimii so please keep this in mind when add the note. 
  • Any shifts with the note added will display an icon beside it for quick reference. 
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Create a preset from a shift in the roster 

  • An unsaved shift in the roster will appear in grey with a dotted surrounding it. 
  • To create a preset from a shift in the roster, you want to hover over the right corner so that 3 vertical dots appear. 
  • From the dropdown menu, select "Copy shift to preset" 
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  • This will open the preset creation window where you can further customise the preset. 
  • Add a title, we advise using the shift start and end times, and choose a colour for the preset. Any information that was added during the inital shift creation will automatically pull into the creation window. 
  • Click "Save" to create this preset. 


Create a preset from an exisitng shift from within the creation window 

  • Alternatively, you can also create the preset from within the creation window. 
  • To create a preset from a shift in the roster, you want to hover over the right corner so that 3 vertical dots appear. 
  • From the dropdown menu, select "Edit" 
  • In the bottom right corner, you will see another 3 horizontal dots beside the save button. Click on this. 
  • From the menu, select "Copy shift to preset" 
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  • Add a title, we advise using the shift start and end times, and choose a colour for the preset label. Any information that was added during the inital shift creation will automatically pull into the creation window. 
  • Click Save to create this preset. 
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