This article will provide you with the solution available if you accidentally delete an autorostered shift.
1. You have accidentally deleted an autorostered shift
If you have accidentally deleted a small number of autorostered shifts it would not be worthwhile to re-run the auto-roster tool as this would be more time-consuming.
Instead, we would advise that you follow the below steps to re-add the deleted shifts.
- Navigate to Week Costs using the menu
- Along the top banner click on "Reports"
- In the calendar function, use the date picker to select the week when the Public Holiday is due to fall.
- Download the "shift audit for this week" report. This will allow you to check what shift was initially added for the employee
- Open the report and navigate to "Deleted Shifts", here you will see a list of all the deleted shifts for the week
- Check the "Shift Start" and "Shift End" times within this report
- Next, navigate to your Week Roster using the menu.
- Locate the employee you wish to roster the public holiday shift for, using either the "All" screen or the department selector along the bottom of your screen
- Click on the date within the roster for the employee
- Under "Type" ensure you select Bank Holiday
- Enter the shift start and end time based on the shift audit deleted shift information
- Leave a "Note" to flag that the auto-rostered shift was deleted and has been manually added
- Save
Please ensure that you re-freeze the forecast in order for the shift to appear on the roster.
2. You have accidentally deleted multiple autorostered shifts
If you have accidentally deleted a large portion of the autorostered shifts it would be more efficient to re-run the auto-roster tool as opposed to manually adding in multi autorostered shifts.
Follow the steps in the below article to re-run the autoroster tool