How to search for a Shift?

Effortlessly Find Rostered Shifts by Type, Department, Date, and Employee for Enhanced Reporting and Analysis

In the ever-evolving landscape of workforce management, precision and efficiency are paramount. Whether you're an HR manager, a business owner, or a scheduling coordinator, having the ability to swiftly access and analyze critical shift data is essential for making informed decisions and ensuring your operation runs seamlessly. Alkimii equips you with the tools you need to do just that, and at the heart of this functionality is the "Shifts" feature. This article is your key to unlocking the full potential of Alkimii's Shift search, allowing you to effortlessly locate and report on rostered shifts by various parameters, be it shift type, department, date, or even an individual employee's shift pattern.
  • Navigate to "Shifts" using the mega menu

The "Shifts" screen defaults to today's date

  • The shift table is broken down into the following pieces of information

Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 12-37-39-png

    • Name of user rostered
    • Department
    • Date of shift

The yellow warning symbol will appear to let you know the hours since the last shift. This will only appear if the last shift worked has been less than the recommended rest period between shifts. 

If a blue speech bubble appears beside the date, this indicates that a note has been left on this shift in the roster. 

  • Use the Date Picker to select the start and end date for your search. 

  • You can apply filters to the shifts using the options along the top. 

    • Click the X to remove a filter
  • If you need to download the file for further analysis, you have the option to download it into Excel or CSV format
  • To print file to a local printer or save as PDF, click on the printer icon 

SS PrintDownload


Searches with more than 2000 results cannot be downloaded into a file

For help editing clock shift times, click here!