How to add a Linked Shifts in the Week Roster? (V2)

This article provides an overview of link shifts within Alkimii. It includes how they are shown on the roster and how breaks are deducted.

  • Navigate to Week Roster using the menu in the top left corner of Alkimii. 
  • To create a link shift, filter by the department and locate the employee you wish to roster.
  • Click on the day you wish to add a shift to.Enter the specific details such as the start and end times, days it repeasts on, department, apply additional rates and shift roles, if applicable. Click "Save" once you are happy with the shift. 
Screenshot 2024-11-20 at 16.51.34

🌟 Efficiency Tip: Apply an exisiting preset for the department, click on the 3 vertical dots in the top right of the shift and edit the end time to reflect the end of that shift and click save. 

  • Next, hover over the top right of the shift you just created and click on the 3 vertical dots. From the dropdown menu, select "+add another shift
Screenshot 2024-11-20 at 16.43.03
  • This time, you will be setting the start time to match the end time of the initial shift.
  • Both shifts will now appear on the roster beneath themselves on the roster view with a link icon to easily identify it. 

Linked Shifts are multiple shifts rostered for team members with corresponding start and end times

  • Linked shifts require a clock-in punch at the start of the first shift and a clock-out punch at the end of the last shift only
  • Break Deductions are divided pro rata across each shift rostered. The bracketed figure on the week details screen will display the shift time minus break.  

For more help creating shifts in the Week Roster, click here