Staff Profile FAQ

This article will provide you with a breakdown of the most frequently asked questions about the Staff Profile

What is the difference between nationality and citizenship? 

The Citizenship entry should be based on the citizenship of employment. This distinction ensures accurate visa requirements are identified and acquired. Whereas nationality refers to the employee's own personal nationality. 

How does Alkimii know to ask for visa information? 

This is populated based on the citizenship selected. Alkimii has built in triggers for any countries that require a working visa. This may also be dependent on how the starter forms have been set up for your site.  

What is the difference between the visa expiry and visa expiry extension?

An employee must present a visa that authorises them to work in Ireland for a specified duration. Once this is provided, the HR team can record the visa expiry date in the employee's profile. Should an employee be scheduled to work with a visa nearing expiration, this will be highlighted on the weekly roster screen.

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If a renewed visa has been provided, the HR team can replace the existing visa expiry with this new deadline. 

The visa extension field is specifically for use when an employee, whose current work visa is nearing expiry, has applied for a renewal. In Ireland, processing a work visa can take up to eight weeks. During this period, you should enter the expected extension date of up to 8 weeks to ensure the employee can be scheduled to work, anticipating the approval of their new visa. The visa extension period will only cover their compliance for 8 weeks until the new expiry date is inputted into the field above. 

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Madien Name and Place of Birth 

These fields are nice to have in order to provide a more in-depth profile for the employee.  Please be careful not to confuse your place of birth with your citizenship or nationality field. This is an additional field that can be filled out to provide further information on the employee. Although it may not be a mandatory entry in some countries, it may be in others.