How to review the check in as an appraiser?

This article will show you how the check in process will look from the apprasiers perspective.

The employee should have filled in the Check In information prior to the Check In meeting. They will have received a number of reminder notifications the week prior to ensure their feedback has been submitted. However, you can follow up with them by using the direct chat feature under the actions column in the Check In Queue. 

  • In the "Check In Queue" this will display the date of completion under the feedback column in green. 
  • On the day of the check in, you can locate this form within the "Check In Queue" 
  • Under the actions column  on the right select the tickbox icon to "Perform the Check In" 
Screenshot 2025-01-27 at 15.54.36
  • You will be redirected to a new screen to review the check in and add your feedback and additonal comments. 
  • On the right hand side of the review screen, you will see some key information including the Reporting Period; the apprasiers name; the stage; feedback submission date; status
  • Beneath this you will see a breakdown of "Lates; Absences and Previous Check Ins" followed by the form sections. 
Section 1: Questions 
  • Review the answers and discuss these answer with the employee 

Screenshot 2025-01-27 at 16.05.21

Section 2: Goals 
  • Assess if the employee achieved the goals set out for them 

Screenshot 2025-01-27 at 16.08.11

Section 3: Core Competencies 
  • Rate the employee against the core competencies using the competency scale

Screenshot 2025-01-27 at 16.08.18

Section 4: Assessment reports
  • Add any other feedback into the assessment report.
  • You can choose if you want this share this feedback with the employee or keep note for reference in future. 

Screenshot 2025-01-27 at 16.15.30

⚠️ Please Note: If you have opted to share the "Assessment Report" this information will be visible in the "MyAlkimii" area under Check Ins for this user on the desktop. 

  • Once the appraiser has completed their feedback, they will have the option to either just save the check in OR they can save and schedule the next check in, in advance.

  • If you opt to "Submit and schedule", you will be redirected to the check in builder pop up to either create the check in manually or apply a template adding any additional questions, goals or core competencies you would like to review with the employee on their next check in.