This article will show you how to backdate a pay rate within Alkimii Team.
- Team
- Navigate to Pay Rates
- In this view, you will see a list of all employees in your hotel
- Scroll to the employee you wish to backdate
- Update the rate of pay accordingly
- You will need to select a date when this increase or decrease should have come into effect. To do this, click on "Effective Date" and use the date picker to assign accordingly
Please be advised that you can only backdate a pay rate in an open payroll week.
To open your payroll week, please contact
- When the date has been selected, you will see a pop-up at the bottom of your screen which will show your unsaved changes.
- If you have backdated the pay rates for multiple employees, you will see the number before "unsaved changes" reflect the number of employees you have updated.
- Once you are happy that all updates have been made, you can review all your changes in this pop-up and "Save All"
- If you did not mean to make the change, you can revert the change by clicking the "x" under actions.
- You can also message your employee using the message button under actions
For help checking the pay rate history, click here!