My Settings - Notifications

This article will show you where your Notifications can be located and how to customise them based on your preference.


People Notifications help you keep track of your team within Alkimii. They will inform you when team members start or leave your department, reach the end of their probationary period or their work permit is due to expire. They can also inform you of tasks assigned to you and if a user has mentioned you in the chat or comments features of Alkimi. these notifications are Opt-In so you can turn them off if you wish. 

  • Login to Alkimii on the Desktop 
  • Navigate to the profile picture on the top right-hand corner of your screen
  • Select "My Settings" 

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  • From the notifications panel, you can navigate to "General", "System" or "People"

  • Here you will see a list of notifications that can be activated and deactivated based on your preference. For example, here is a list of some general notification settings. 

  • To activate your notification, ensure this item is switched on. These notifications will display on the desktop and your mobile. 

  • An alert will advise that the change has been updated successfully
  • Notifications are accessed by clicking the bell. You will see a breakdown of information depending on the notification, if it relates to another user, it will mention their name. You can also see how long it has been since the notification was received in blue text below the notification title. 
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For help navigating your notifications, click here