Department Charges

Department charges is used to hold fixed costs billed to different departments. Department charges have a budget line and an Actual/Forecast line. These charges can be entered monthly or weekly.

  • Using the mega menu, navigate to "Department Charges Monthly" or "Department Charges Weekly" depending on the option you choose during your initial configuration. 

Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 10.34.15

This can be changed if you wish to amend it, however, we would usually recommend a monthly budget for ease of reporting. 

Department Charges Monthly 

Within the budget monthly view, you will see a list of months for the current year. 

  • Enter the data line by line into the required department
  • The variance line allows you to track differences between the actual and budgeted
  • Negative values can be entered here when it is an income to the department
  • Click "Save Department" in the bottom right once you are satisfied with your entry. We recommend doing this after each department to ensure no data is lost. 

Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 10.38.03

If you wish to change your input from Monthly to Weekly, contact our Customer Success Team at

Department Charges Weekly 

Within the budget weekly view, you will see a list of weeks for the current year. 

  • Your default view will fall on this current week 
  • The breakdown of weeks falls over a 14-week period
  • Enter the data line by line into the required department
  • The variance line allows you to track differences between the actual and budgeted
  • Negative values can be entered here when it is an income to the department
  • Click "Save Department" in the bottom right once you are satisfied with your entry. We recommend doing this after each department to ensure no data is lost. 

Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 10.39.46

If you wish to change your input from Weekly to Monthly, contact our Customer Success Team at