Chat Spotlight

Tips and Tricks on best use of the Alkimii Chat

In hospitality, effective communication stands as the linchpin for providing impeccable service. Enter our revolutionary instant chat software, armed with group messaging, chat archiving, and chat muting features. In this article, we'll uncover the tips and tricks to help you unlock the full potential of this powerful tool. 


Tip 1: Effortless Group Messaging 

Picture managing a bustling hotel with multiple departments, each teeming with activity. Group messaging becomes your best friend in this scenario. Forge dedicated groups for housekeeping, front desk, and maintenance, ensuring seamless communication sans the chaos. 



Instead of flooding individual inboxes, create a "Front Desk Team" group where staff can promptly share guest requests or updates on room availability. 


See here how to create a group chat on Alkimii!


Tip 2: Chat Archiving 

Our instant messaging app not only facilitates real-time collaboration but also provides a powerful feature – the ability to archive chats. This feature proves particularly handy when managing employee transitions. Archived chats can be accessed by navigating to the archived section within the app. This feature allows you to review past conversations without cluttering your active chat feed. 



When an employee leaves the company, archive their chat to remove it from the active chat feed. This helps maintain a clean and organized chat interface, preventing unnecessary clutter. 

Learn how to archive a chat on our mobile and desktop apps.


Tip 3: Mute Conversations for Uninterrupted Focus 

In the hospitality domain, multitasking is a given, but sometimes you need a moment of serenity. The mute conversations feature allows you to temporarily silence non-urgent notifications, granting you the breathing room to concentrate on critical tasks without distraction. 



Visualise a busy check-in counter during peak hours. Mute less urgent conversations temporarily, ensuring your team can navigate the influx of guests seamlessly. 

Learn how to mute conversations on our mobile and desktop apps.


Tip 4: Reply directly to a message 

By mastering the ability to reply directly to messages in group chats, your team can elevate communication to new heights. This feature promotes clarity, organization, and collaboration, ultimately enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of your hospitality operations. When replying directly, your response is linked to the original message, providing context to your message. 

This helps in avoiding misunderstandings and ensures that everyone is on the same page. 



In the staff chat, the concierge replies directly to a message about a VIP guest, creating a focused conversation. This efficient communication streamlines guest service coordination, ensuring personalized experiences in the dynamic hotel environment. 


💡  Alkimii Emoji Use
Here's a quick snapshot of the most used emojis in our Alkimii Chat and their frequencies:
  • ❤️ "Love" has stolen the show with a whopping 357,772 appearances! It seems our community is all about spreading love and positivity.

  • 👍 "Like" takes the second spot with 102,261 instances.

  • 👏 "Clap" follows closely behind with 7,464 occurrences.

  • 💡 "Idea" shines bright with 613 uses.

  • 😂 "Laugh" brings joy to our chat, appearing 5,872 times. Laughter is indeed a universal language!

  • 🙏 "Pray" adds a thoughtful touch with 3,037 appearances.

It's fantastic to see such diverse emoji usage. What is your favourite?